Last Updated Sat, Dec 28, 2024, 06:45 PM EST

AXHL Rulebook

Table of Contents

Game Times

Sunday - Thursday 9:55 pm & 10:35 pm Eastern

The Golden Rule

Disregarding the rules or Failure to read the rulebook is NOT a valid excuse or reason for breaking them. Reading the rulebook is MANDATORY as well as abiding by the rules. We will not lower the punishment due to you stating "I didn't know" or "I wasn't aware that was a rule" as it is more of a clear-cut admission of guilt/failure to read the rules, as a team owner/manager/player.




We do not handle issues from other leagues or issues from before we were a league

  1. We WILL NOT FOR ANY REASON put up with people using derogatory terms or discrimination, This includes and is not limited to; addressing people’s race, sexuality, mental and/or physical disabilities, religious and cultural beliefs, attacks on a person's character/reputation in any of the channels (Including Chirp Channel, Team servers, and DM’s)
  1. Using the discord role @everyone and @here is strictly prohibited.

Unless granted permission by an administrator.

If broken:

1st offense: Warning

2nd offense: 24-hour mute

3rd offense: 1-week mute and 4-game suspension

  1. Extended harassment or personal attacks of any sort are prohibited in the league discords (Team Discord is included as it’s an extension of the league server) or in DMs.

(spamming them with messages when they aren’t answering you or continuing after a league staff member has asked you to stop)

1st offense = 1 week suspension

2nd offense = 1 season ban

3rd offense = Permanent ban from the league

  1. A lot of things mentioned in the discord are considered player tampering:

(Publicly asking for release, asking a player to play for your team while rostered elsewhere, Owners and team management can not mention to any players things listed in the trade-block either or any other owners-only channel.)

Most things having to do with the roster from signed players or owners or anything along those lines are prohibited.

If you’re NOT sure if it’s player tampering, then be cautious and ask, or don’t say it at all.

  1. No spam or self-promotion:

-Posting spam messages or spamming the chat is not allowed and will result in time outs after a warning if it continues then suspension or more severe punishments can be issued!

-(server invites, advertisements, etc) without permission from an upper staff member.

No Selling, Buying, or trading in our server. This includes DMing fellow members. (Group spamming is included in this as in multiple members spamming the same message)

1st offense - 2 season ban

2nd offense - 4 season ban

3rd offense - Permanent ban

(Posting your twitch in the proper channel is not considered “self-promotion”)

  1. Chirping will be ONLY in the chirp channel.

NOT in the General chat or any other chat channel. No one minds chirping at all, just don’t fill up the other chat channels with it.

  1. We have a 0 tolerance for K.Y.S comments, Racial slurs, sexuality slurs, sexist comments, Threats with intent to hurt another community member or their family member(s), Threats to show up at their house/work or a public place with the intent to cause bodily harm/death, Self Harm/Mutilation comments/threats, Harassment of player(s)/Staff and no going after people’s families, Religious beliefs, Atack of a persons character/reputation. These will result in the following punishments: Mutes, bans, and second chances depending on the severity of the action

in Conjunction with rule 1. Of the AXHL Discord Rules

  1. No obscene content:

This includes images, or links featuring nudity, sex, hard violence, or other graphically disturbing content.

1st offense: Warning

2nd offense: 2-season ban

3rd offense: Perma Ban

These punishments are subject to change based on the severity of the broken rule

  1. If you see something against the rules or something that makes you feel unsafe, let staff know.

We want this server to be a welcoming space for everyone!

  1. Promoting other servers also known as player poaching without the permission of the Admins will result in a Permanent Ban from the League.

  2. The misuse of discord channels:

1st offense: warning

2nd offense: 24-hour mute

3rd offense: 1-week mute and a 4 game suspension

  1. At least 1 upper staff member in every team discord is required for the purpose of providing support where needed or addressing concerns in a timely manner. (upper staff member is to not be from that current team).

(Certain channels are required to be seen but your lineups do not have to be seen. For a list of channels mandatory to be seen dm TheDjTreason)


  1. Being in the league server is mandatory to be eligible to play, if you leave the league server you will have 24 hours to return or it will be considered team abandonment which results in a 2-season ban.

  2. Players banned from the league are also banned from team servers, banned players that are in team servers will add punishments onto team management.

  3. Illegal players being played:

If an illegal player is played the following punishment(s) will result:

1st offense: FF of stats for that player and a warning issued to team management

2nd offense: FFL of the entire game, a 6-game suspension to team management

3rd Offence: Owner and management review and can be removed and new owner/management put in place.




The Home Team Jersey MUST be Dark. (To be worn as the home team unless it clashes with the Away team or is not darker than the away team)

The Away Team Jersey MUST be light. (Must be worn by the Away Team)

Alternate Jerseys must follow the team color scheme. (Can be worn by the home team if you have told the away team you are doing so or if the home jersey clashes with or is not darker than the away team's jerseys)

If you break these rules it will be a suspension.

The suspension will depend on how many warnings you have received.

Games MUST be Played out of your League Approved club and the Club must be set to public. No exceptions will be given, failure to do so will result in an auto FF.

Game Codes:

Game IDs have suggested game codes for games.

Not all IDs are acceptable by EA.

The API doesn’t pick up game codes, the important thing is the Side Selection and using the league-approved club.

Please ensure “Home Team” has their side selected as “Home” and

“Away Team” selected as “Away”.

Games played with the Home and Away swapped may be associated with earlier or later games in the schedule, or may be lost altogether.

The Away team must tell the home team which one of the three eligible servers is being vetoed by 7:55 pm Eastern Failure to do so will result in the home team being able to select from any of the three eligible servers.

The Home team must tell the away team which server the game is being played on from one of the two remaining eligible servers by 8:55 pm Eastern. Failure to do so will result in the Away Team choosing what server the game is played on from any of the three eligible servers.

Failure by both teams to do so will result in the game being defaulted back to the NA Central server.

Eligible servers for the games to be played on are: North America East, North America Central, or North America West

Manager On Duty:

Team Owners/Management are to appoint a MOD (doesn’t have to be team management) and to let the other teams' management know who that is at least 1 hour and 30 min before game time.

MOD is the point of contact for the night’s games. Failure to do so will result in a 2 min penalty to start the game


Game 1

Penalties will be enforced if not searching by 10 p.m. (EST).

Forfeit Wins will be granted to the team searching if the game has not started by

10:05 PM (EST) No Game 1's are to start after 10:10pm eastern (a request for a reschedule must be made before 10:09 pm eastern via the Reschedule Game Ticket)

Game 2

10:40 pm eastern Penalty 10:45 pm eastern FF

Penalties will be enforced if not searching by 10:55 p.m. (EST) at the latest if and only if there was a lag out a delayed start or the game went into overtime.

(a request for a reschedule must be made before 10:44 pm eastern via the Reschedule Game Ticket)

How to properly apply for a reschedule and who's responsibility it is to ask for the reschedule: The team that had the FF claimed against them due to being unable to make the game on time is responsible for applying for the reschedule via the ticket system, you must provide video/picture evidence to support your request and have a valid reasoning for being unable to make the game time. Applying for a reschedule is not meaning you are guaranteed the reschedule.

EA Connection issues occur, if it has been determined that the inability to connect on time was due to EA, penalties, and forfeits are not applied. Teams need to begin games by 10 past the scheduled time or it needs to be rescheduled. If the issue is caused by EA or Xbox/PSN connection issues.


The penalty for being late will happen at the VERY start of the game and the team who was late will immediately take the fastest possible penalty but doing something like tossing the puck over the glass in the defensive zone or having the goalie skate into the trapezoid.

If a game is played it counts. If a game is entered after the grace period it will be considered that it is implied that both teams waived their right to a forfeit claim and the results of the game will stand.



Stats Screenshots (Can be taken by any member of the team and sent to team management) must be submitted by 12:30pm Eastern on the League website (Box score as well) Failure to do so will result in punishments, each strike will depend on severity. (THIS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER/MANAGEMENT) (It is required to keep a copy of the stat screenshots in your team server and that channel accessible by the upper staff member in your team server as a backup incase the API system fails to grab stats)FF screenshots are required to confirm validity
First Offense = Reminder and Warning

Second Offense = Owner and/or Management 2 Game Suspensions and FF of stats

Third Offense = FFL for the team & more severe Game Suspensions for Management

All Screenshots MUST be readable/legible.

Don’t send us low-quality pictures with blurry numbers and unclear stats.

This Includes for FF's

If neither team posts Stat Screenshots it will result in a FF Draw giving both teams 1 single point


When a lagout occurs,

You MUST back out

at the END of the period.

(If replacing a player you have 10 minutes to find a replacement and match up again)

(DO NOT FORGET SCREENSHOTS WHEN THIS HAPPENS) (If you are already on a pk at the end of that period and it’s a fresh pen you must take 2 penalties one for the one at the end of that period and one for the lagout)


No matter which team has a lag out, at the end of the period you MUST back out, get stat screenshots, and bring the player back into the game, The player that lagged out is to take a 2-minute penalty.

At that point you play the remaining time in the game, MEANING if you had a player lag out in the first period and completed the period, you’ve got 2 periods remaining.

Everyone backs out, then loads back into the game and you play periods 1 and 2 then quit.


If a goalie lags out note the time played get screenshots, get everyone back in the lobby and run the clock down to that time, if there was only 2 min or less left in the period then start the next period with the score where it was at before the lag out, and play the remaining periods (Any player on the team that lagged out can take the 2 min pen in this situation).

Teams are NOT allowed to change their Jerseys or Build after a lagout to ensure a more favorable outcome.

This will result in a FFL if you are caught doing so.(Include if the game was an OT game or not as well)


Sportsmanship/In-Game Rules

Show sportsmanship during games.

We are here to have fun in a competitive league.



If a CPU goal is scored then it will stay in the box score but not be added to a player's stat line as it wasn’t a user-controlled player that scored.


Exploits, cheats, mods, or any other form of tampering with the game or its intended gameplay are hereby prohibited.

These things cannot be specifically covered by the rules, and therefore are all categorized as one.

Goalie fights at any time, especially in the 3rd period

Any of these types of exploits need to be brought to the League Staff as quickly as possible to be

able to identify its effect better. If possible, a rule may be later created where the League sees fit.

If a goal is scored as a result of this illegal move it will be overturned VIDEO PROOF IS NEEDED

2 game suspension to player for 1st offense

4 game suspension to player and team management for 2nd offense

Player ban and management review and team FFL for 3rd offense

No Ragging of the puck:

Resetting in the offensive zone is fine, but excessively sitting in the offensive/defensive zone or playing keep away while up 2 goals or more i.e. 3-1 is considered ragging the puck.

Any Player(s) found guilty of ragging will be given a 2-game suspension for 1st offense

4 game suspension for Player(s) and management for 2nd offense

Player(s) banned and 1 week suspension for management and team FFL for 3rd offense

No Goalie Trolling/ Interference:

If your team is up by 2 or more goals i.e. 5 - 0 and your goalie pulls himself unnecessarily to “troll” the other team or

Goaltenders may not draw an interference call away from their crease unless they are attempting to play the puck. A goaltender may not step out of his/her crease for the purpose of impeding a player’s progress or to draw an interference call. There are no restrictions on a goaltender’s movements in relation to keeping the puck out of the net or coming out of the net to attempt to play the puck (not just to get in the way). This includes desperation saves to intentionally trip a player unnecessarily.

if a goal is scored by the offending team due to this illegal move the goal will be overturned VIDEO PROOF IS NEEDED

Anyone found guilty of this will result in the following:

2 game suspension to the goalie for 1st offense and a loss of stats

4 game suspension to the Goalie and management for 2nd offense and loss of stats for the goalie.

The goalie banned and a one-week suspension for management and a team FFL for 3rd offense.

Self Board Play:

Self-board play is ONLY legal in Offensive Zone and Defensive Zone, you can not selfboard play in the neutral zone and you can not use it to rag the puck/ kill time.

If a goal is scored due to this illegal move the goal will be overturned Video PROOF IS NEEDED

Any Player(s) found guilty of illegally self-board play in an illegal way will be given a 2-game suspension for 1st offense

4 game suspension for Player(s) and management (MOD) for 2nd offense

Player(s) banned and 1 week suspension for management and team FFL for 3rd offense

Continuation of breaking this rule can result in a Ban and FFL’s

No Goalie Tripping:

Do not come out of the crease to trip or hold a player behind the net, do not stack the pads/Desperation save to intentionally trip a player either when not necessary.

(Holding a player in the net is included here)

Any player found guilty of this will be given: a 2-game suspension for 1st offense, the goalie and manager will be given a 4-game suspension for the second offense, and goalie and manager will be given a week suspension and the team will be handed a FFL for 3rd offense.

Throwing Games:

Intentionally making sure your team does not win the game and doing everything you can to lose that game by any means possible.

1st offense = 1 week suspension.

2nd offense = 1 season ban and team FFL.

3rd offense = Perma Ban.

Body Blocking:

Intentionally blocking a player’s progress from getting back into the play or to try and force an offside is prohibited blocking a person intentionally for more than 3 seconds (real-time) is not allowed, doing players will result in one of the following punishments and if a goal is scored as a result of this it will be overturned VIDEO PROOF IN REQUIRED:

2 game suspension for the player for 1st offense

4 game suspension for player and team management for 2nd offense

The player banned and one-week suspension for team management and a team FFL for 3rd offense

Illegal players being played:

If an illegal player is played the following punishment(s) will result:

1st offense: FF of stats for that player and a warning issued to team management

2nd offense: FFL of the entire game, a 6-game suspension to team management

3rd Offence: Owner and management review and can be removed and new owner/management put in place.

Rage Quitting / Leaving a game early:

Rage quitting a game/ leaving a game early (when a lagout does not happen) because you are losing/wanting to play another game or are mad at your team is prohibited (or none emergency event), the league does not have a mercy rule you play the games in full. Failure to do so will result in the following punishments:

1st Offence: a 4-game suspension and a loss of player stats for the player who quit

2nd Offence: a 4-game suspension for the player who quit and management and an FFL.

3rd Offence: a 2-season ban and a 6-game suspension for management and an FFL


Player General Rules

Harassing, threatening, or discriminating against any player or management member in the AXHL will result in league discipline depending on the severity of the situation up to a permanent ban from the AXHL. This includes but not limited to changing your player name, discord profile name/picture, making false posts/claims

We can only enforce this in league-sanctioned communications, which include the league discord, individual team discords, discord PMs, Xbox messages, and any situation where a player goes out of their way to carry out these specified acts of aggression against another league member (i.e social media).

Instances of harassment include, and are not limited to:

berating a player, posting personal pictures of another person, exposing the personal info of another player, and refusing to stop when instructed.

Instances of threatening a person include, and are not limited to:

serious death threats, serious threats of injury, and threats upon someone’s family and friends.

Instances of discrimination include, and are not limited to:

slurs of any form, attacking someone because of race or sexual orientation and making general statements against a race or sexual orientation.

Don’t be toxic.

If a player changes their Gamertag they must inform their team management at least 1 hour before their next game in order for a Gamertag change form to be submitted.

It is also important that a member of team management messages a league manager to let them know of the Gamertag change form submission.

Any player caught playing on a different Gamertag without permission from league management will be subject to league discipline and their team will forfeit the game.

If a player reports open availability for a game and is then scheduled, they are required to play in that game.

Letting team management know at least 1 hour before the game will absolve players of disciplinary action.

Failure to show up to games without adequate notice will be considered abandonment.

Multiple failures to report on time for games will lead to league-enforced disciplinary action.

Quitting out of a league game will result in league discipline up to and including a ban from the league.

The scale of the game and repeat offenses will dictate the severity of the punishment

Owner Rules

Signing up to own a team implies a season-long commitment. Breaking the contract early hurts the entire league.

A team may not forfeit more than 25% of their scheduled games or they will be at risk of losing their spot in the league to a replacement. Quitting a game early is considered a forfeit.

All owners are required to keep their team activities for the whole season.

Any owner that abandons their team, either voluntarily or by league discipline, will receive a ban or a punishment as seen fit by management officials.

In the event that an owner needs to step away from their team, League Management must be contacted and a replacement or interim owner must be assigned.

The interim or replacement must fulfill the duties until the season is over.

All AXHL members who wish to apply to be an Owner of a team must fill out the management application form and pass the ownership quiz before being added to the preseason schedule.

Any team that forfeits a game during the 1st week of the regular season is subject to replacement at the discretion of the league owner or other affiliated league Staff.


Owners hold the right to remove their appointed management if it has been determined that they are not meeting expectations.

The league does not bother with your team’s internal affairs unless absolutely necessary.

Team Owners or any member with access to the trade block, may not disclose the contents of the trade block.

Team Owners and staff may only discuss the trade block with others who have permission to view the channel.

Teams are not allowed to tell players to request a release from their current team.

Any form of team tampering and/or repeated attempts will result in the team Owner/Assistants being demoted, suspended, or banned and new management put in place.

The team Owner is ultimately responsible for the team.

GMs or AGMs/Captains are all internally promoted.

They did not officially sign up to manage a team.

The League recognizes internal promotions within the Discord Chat Channels and website. GM/AGMs will be given privileges to communicate as necessary to ensure game scheduling is upheld.

Team Management below the Owner Role will simply be considered “Players”.

Decisions or agreements made by the actual team owner are recognized by league management.

Owners that step down from management DURING an active season will relinquish their trade/release request.

The release request was used for the management role. The contracts remain tradeable if the newly instituted owner so chooses


The club used for league games MUST be associated with the team chosen by the owner and can not be changed at any point.

(Teams can be chosen from one of the following leagues: NHL, AHL, ECHL

(Unless approved by League Administrators)

(Clubs are owned by the league, not one specific player if an owner is removed the club must be turned over to the new owner.)

(Clubs must remain public so that players of the team have access to the club in case the team management isn’t around to give access to players.)

The team branding must match the branding of the team and the league they represent in the League.

Forfeits may be assigned if the team refuses to use their assigned branding.

A team’s goalposts must be visible. 50% or Darker on the Greyscale.

Home Jerseys are Dark.

Away Jerseys are light.

Alternate jerseys can be any style or color the team chooses. ( Is to be used by the home team and will be required to be changed by the home team if the jersey clashes with the away team or is not darker than the away team's Jersey)

Light-colored alternates may only be used as road jerseys to avoid any issues.

Team Branding must be approved by league Upper management.

Color schemes will be rejected if too many teams are attempting to use the same scheme or if the scheme is considered to not represent the team it’s made for properly.

First come first serve for logos/colorsets.

Teams must use either the City or the State/Province that the team is located in for the club’s location and abbreviation to Match properly as well.

Announcers telling us that this New York team is from Paraguay isn’t allowed, although we agree it’s kind of funny.

Junior Stadiums:

All stadiums are allowed


All AXHL Teams have a maximum roster limit of 22 players and a roster minimum of 12.

Team management is included in this number.

All players must be on the roster by the time the rosters lock on game days and must meet the minimum/max roster size failure to do so will result in disciplinary actions.

Free Agents can be used as an ECU up to Transactions deadline.

The proper way to sign a player:

  1. Make sure the player is a free agent

  2. Go on the League Website click front office

  3. Click Sign Free Agent

  4. Find the Free Agents Name, select their name and then select send Offer.

FA Signing Offers Only last 24 hours if not signed with in the time limit a new offer will need to be sent The freshly signed player must play at least 6 games before a request can be submitted

Player Removal

Fill out the player removal form found in the Links section of the league discord or on the league website.

A 48-hour warning of removal must be given a screenshot of them not replying must be provided in the form, the player GT and Discord, A valid reason why you are filing for a Player removal. A Valid reason would be Inactive, or leaving the team and league discord are just a couple reasons.



No roster moves (Trades, Signings, Releases) AFTER 8:55 PM (EST).

Roster moves reopen after 11:30 pm (EST All of AXHL)

Players may request 1 release per season.

When a player requests a release, the owner has 48 hours to release the player.

At the end of 48 hours if they fail to be released management will server a 2 game suspension. This Timer does NOT start until team management is informed by the leagues upper staff

At this point, the player will enter the waiver wire for 24 hours and can be claimed by any team. If they clear waivers then at this point the player is ONLY allowed to sign with teams in the bottom 1/4 of the standings. * Standings will hold true until the following preseason*

Players may request 1 TRADE request per season.

When a player requests a TRADE request, the owner has 72 hours to trade the player. This Timer does NOT start until team management is informed by the leagues upper staff

At the end of 72 hours, if they are unable to find a suitable trade the player is released.

At that point, the player will enter Free Agency.

Players MUST play for their new team 4 games in 1 calendar week before they can request a trade or release.Team management MUST make the effort to play the newly acquired player in 4 games in a calendar week

Trades will be on a probationary basis of 1 calendar week.

Players involved in the trade must be active and willing to play for their new team or the trade will be considered void.

Players must play 4 scheduled games with their new team before they can ask for release.Team management MUST make the effort to play the newly acquired player in 4 games in a calendar week


THE DEADLINE FOR TRADES AND RELEASES ARE THE END of WEEK 5 SO 30 GAMES (The Sunday of Week 6 ( Sunday 6:00 pm Eastern and the finalized roster has to be submitted by 7:30 pm Eastern or a 2 min penalty will be issued if not submitted by the second game then another 2 min pen will be assessed)

Rosters must be current at least 1 hour before the day’s 1st game (8:55 PM EST).

Transactions do NOT Open until 2:00pm eastern the Friday after the end of Pre-Season This includes Trades and Request Forms

Any trades not completed by this deadline will be considered invalid until the following day.

After the trade deadline, NO PLAYERS may ask for a release until the playoffs have completely ended or the team has been eliminated.

ALL TRADES MUST BE HELD FOR 1 WEEK BEFORE YOU CAN TRADE A PLAYER AGAIN In case a trade needs reversed, players haven’t been moved to other teams in the meantime.

Players that refuse to play for a new team after a trade will be banned. And the trade will be reversed.

Trades do not have to be 1 for 1 they can be 1 for 2 max



The preseason games are mandatory, and screenshots are required to create a good habit of getting the screenshots and for us to help new owners learn what the proper screenshots are. During the last 2 nights of Preseason, proper screenshots and games are to be treated like regular season games.

If 40% or more of pressing games are FFs your management position will be reviewed and can be stripped away.


RULES: - normal league rules apply

-Players/goalies must have a total of 10 games played minimum in the league to be eligible to play in playoffs. (Failure to meet the roster minimum due to not enough eligible players will result in the loss of your playoff spot)

-The away team is to submit their lineup by 5:55 pm Eastern no later (SUBS/ECUs MUST BE LISTED)

-The home team is to submit their lineup by 7:55 pm Eastern no later (SUBS/ECUs MUST BE LISTED)

-The Veto system is in place same time frames for the vetoes remain in effect

(The Away Team must submit which server they veto either NA West, NA East, or NA Central by 7:55 pm Eastern Failure to do so will allow the home team to select from any of the three servers)

(The Home Team must then tell the home team which server the game is played on from one of the remaining servers by 8:55 pm Failure to do so will result in the Away Team choosing the server based on the three eligible servers)

-Failure by both teams to do so will result in the game being defaulted back to the NA Central server.

-The same line can not be played more than two games in a row (Meaning the entire line must be changed out).

(If a substitution is made 2 minutes before game time or later Except for in game lag out rule a 2 min penalty will be assessed)

-Position changes are not allowed if the player substitution is due to a lag out.

-If Subbing a player out you must post who is subbing in for whom and what position if positions are changing then that must be posted as well (If a substitution is made 2 minutes before game time or later Except for in game lagout rule a 2 min penalty will be assessed)

-Both teams MUST have at least one player streaming and submit the stream link in the streams channel in League Discord.

Player Bans

All Bans must serve 20% of the ban before it can be appeal.

Specific player bans can be bought out at the following prices:


First Offense: $25 USD

Second Offense: $50 USD

Third Offense: $100 USD


All funds will be put toward the league and its growth

This league is managed by volunteers.

Team Owners are volunteers.

This requires a lot of work from a lot of people who don’t get paid to do it.

Don’t make anyone’s job harder.

Have respect for staff and other members of the league.

Our goal is to make this a great league to be a part of for anyone who wants to be involved.

Anyone who is counterproductive to these points will be removed from the league at the discretion of league management.